My household has a tendency to attract a variety of guests and strangers. Whether they are friends of one of the kids or visitors just passing through, there is often an incongruous group of diners around our table. In response to this, we’ve developed the habit of doing “ice breakers” to help our guests to…
Now You’ve Said A Mouthful
The Next Generation of Doing Good
Many of my patients are parents of young adults and teens. Through the years, parents have shared their stories and concerns with me, and despite the variety in culture and background represented in my patient population, parents have certain concerns in common across the board. They worry that the emphasis on instant gratification in society,…
A Dentist Hoping for Lollipop Moments

As I celebrate the start of my twenty-fifth year practicing dentistry in Rockland County, there’s a lot to look back on and be grateful for. I find myself wondering what I hope to see as I look back, and what I want to continue doing as I move forward. The answer I come up with…